Exploring the Fun and Quirky World of Google Gravity

Google Easter eggs & Google games

Have you ever tried searching for something on Google and stumbled upon a mysterious and playful feature called “Google Gravity”? If not, then you’re in for a fun surprise! In this blog post, we’ll explore what Google Gravity is and how to experience this quirky feature. What is Google Gravity? Google Gravity is a fun, … Read more

The Exhaustive List of Google Easter Eggs and Google Games

Google Easter eggs & Google games

The amount of information Google possesses is, without a question, astounding, and this may be one of the reasons we are so enamored with its search engine. While you may know and admire Google’s highly smart Doodles, and even like some of the big G’s April Fool’s Day gags, be ignorant of the Google Easter … Read more

The Best Toy Stores And Places For Children In This Good Weekend

toy store

The toys, in addition to entertaining children, contribute to their cognitive, physical and social development to the potentiate their manual skills, imagination, and memory, expanding their ability to interact with other children in their environment. Therefore, when you need to give a gift to a girl or a boy, regardless of their age and the reason that leads you to have … Read more

7 Amazing Activities For Children During The Weekend

kids activity

In this city, there is a wide variety of options to have fun with the little ones, but due to the great distances and traffic, the weekend is not enough to do more than one activity. Fortunately, there is Centro Santa Fe, a space full of fun activities for children, where the elderly also have a great time and all … Read more